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Ethnological Flora

Austronesian Tapa Cloth

The main difference of Homo sapiens from other animals is the lack of dense hairs on their skin.  So they are also called by another name, “the naked ape”.  Then how do Homo sapiens resist the extreme weather?  In order to have something with which ..........

Kumara (Sweet Potato)

Its Enigmatic Distribution in Oceania

Sweet potatoes were a common food crop of the Austronesian people, which were abundantly cultivated in New Zealand, Hawaii and Easter Islands.........

Kumara (Sweet Potato)

Its Enigmatic Distribution in Oceania

Sweet potatoes were a common food crop of the Austronesian people, which were abundantly cultivated in New Zealand, Hawaii and Easter Islands.........

Calabash, A Discussion on Its Cognates

Calabash, Lagenaria siceraria,is one of the crops which human beings have cultivated since very early times more than  5,000 years ago..........

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