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Genetics & Heritage

Findings in Vanuatu Reveal Their Origin

Such arguments are like a missing piece of a puzzle game. After the Vanuatu discovery, the missing piece has been found and the game will be over eventually..........

Parasite and Host both out of Taiwan 

"This is the first paper where bacteria were specifically used for human migration patterns," says Prof. Mark Achtman, The bacteria he used in his study is  a human pathogen Helicobacter pylori.........

The different ways to say mother in the Formosan languages

"Ina" is the word that most Austronesians use to call their mother. Taiwan, as the homeland of all Austronesian people, how its various ethnic groups call their mother.........

Wheat Field

Nose flute, an Austronesian artifact

The nose flute refers to a wind instrument that is played with the nose. It may be one of the most ancient musical instruments of human beings, and it is also apart of the unique culture of the Austronesians.........

Fish Swimming

Fishing basket trap, an Austronesian custom

The fishing basket trap is an apparatus used to trap fish with a funnel-like entrance that allows fish easy passage to get inside but difficult to get out. ........

Two Dried Leaves

String Game, an Austronesian custom

String game, or called string figure, is an easy to play game and also a quite ancient art, belonging to all races of people. ........


The distribution of chicken in Pacific

  It is this chicken who makes the Austronesian adventure great. In the real world, chickens also play a role as companion to the Austronesian during their expansion.........

Green Rooster Puzzle

The Evolving Etymology of Chicken in Eurasia

 How to call chicken in Taiwan and adjacent places is an interesting linguistic issue.  Chicken in Taiwanese is “ge”, in Thai is “gai”, and in Vietnamese is “gà”..........


Human Expansion from Africa to Asia

 According to National Geographic Society's Genographic Project, it shows the expansion routes of human after coming out of Africa. There are two routes associated with eastern Asia..........

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