October 7, 2018| DAIGU SIGUA

南 島 語 系 的 同 源 語
台語的 躼 Lò
台語的躼 lò, 指身軀真長。例句:躼跤 lò-kha,躼躼長 (lò-lò-tng)。夏威夷語佮毛利語有佮台語仝音仝義的同源語,但是用法更加濟款。
夏威夷上懸的火山號做 “Mauna Loa” (4,169 m),是世界上大的陸地火山。
紐西蘭的毛利名號做 ”Aotearoa”, 本來是指北島。
【Word origin of 'Aotearoa':
from Māori ao tea roa, Land of the Long White Cloud】
其中 “roa” 亦是懸的意思。紐西蘭國歌的毛利名嘛號做 “Aotearoa”。
台語 躼 Lò 的南島語言比較:
Loa, loloa
Roa, roroa
Maori Dictionary:
1. (verb) to be long, tall, slow.
2. (verb) to be a long time, delayed.
3. (noun) long time, length, length of time, delay.
Hawaiian Dictionary:
1. nvs. Distance, length, height; distant, long, tall, far, permanent. Cf. loloa, Gram. 8.7.5. Mauna Loa (name), long mountain. Mea ʻole ia loa, this distance was nothing. E loa ke ola, may life be long. Noho loa, to stay permanently (cf. noho lōʻihi, to stay a long time). He aha ka loa o kēia pākaukau? What's the length of this table? Pau kukui pua i ka loa i lalo, candlenut flowers blooming far down below. hoʻo.loa To stretch, extend, prolong, lengthen.
Mauna Loa (/ˌmɔːnə ˈloʊ.ə/ or /ˌmaʊnə ˈloʊ.ə/; Hawaiian: [ˈmɐwnə ˈlowə]; English: Long Mountain[3]) is one of five volcanoes that form the Island of Hawaii in the U.S. state of Hawaiʻi in the Pacific Ocean. The largest subaerial volcano in both mass and volume, Mauna Loa has historically been considered the largest volcano on Earth, dwarfed only by Tamu Massif. It is an active shield volcano with relatively gentle slopes, with a volume estimated at approximately 18,000 cubic miles (75,000 km3),[4] although its peak is about 120 feet (37 m) lower than that of its neighbor, Mauna Kea.