January 13, 2018| DAIGU SIGUA

Image: The meeting house of Tsou tribe, 1910 by Torii Ryūzō
Torii Ryūzō,鳥居龍藏 ,とりいりゅうぞう,1870 - 1953
an anthropologist, ethnologist and archaeologist.
Hui (meeting), A Cognate
from Taiwan to Oceania
The cognate “Hui” is used among Taiwanese, Hawaiian and New Zealand Maori. Its meaning is meeting or gathering. The meeting houses are common buildings in both Taiwan and Maori. Since the Maori people had departed Taiwan 7,000 years ago, so we can deduce the word “Hui” belongs to the proto-Austronesian language and it has been used for no less than 7,000 years.
A hui is a New Zealand term for a social gathering or assembly.
Originally a Māori language word, it was used by Europeans as early as 1846 when referring to Māori gatherings[1] - but is now increasingly used in New Zealand English to describe events that are not exclusively Māori.
1. nvi. Club, association, society, corporation, company, institution, organization, band, league, firm, joint ownership, partnership, union, alliance, troupe, team; to form a society or organization; to meet, intermingle, associate, congregate. (Probably hū 7 + -i, transitivizer; cf. Gram. 6.6.4.) A hui hou aku, goodby; till [we] meet again. hoʻo.hui To form a society. Palapala hoʻohui, charter, as of an association. (PPN fuhi.)
1. (verb) (-a) to gather, congregate, assemble, meet.
Kua karangatia tēnei komiti kia hui anō ki te tari i Nēpia (TTT 1/7/1927:626). / This committee has been called to meet again at the office in Napier.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 122-128;)
2. (noun) gathering, meeting, assembly, seminar, conference.
Ki te haere ia ki ngā hui, me mau te tangata i tōna ake tauera (TTT 1/11/1927:686). / If he goes to gatherings a person should take his own towel.
(Te Kākano Textbook (Ed. 2): 122-128;)
Definition of hui
plural -s
1 Hawaii
a : partnership, syndicate
efforts by mainland capital to gain control of Hawaiian Airlines are believed to have been thwarted by a local hui that has secretly bought close to 70,000 shares—Honolulu Advertiser
b : club, association
the hui is an organization of civic-minded … women who cooperate in furthering the interests of the Y.W.C.A.—Honolulu Star-Bulletin
2 [Hawaiian & Maori]
: community gathering : assembly
when the hui broke up at 4 p.m. the issue was still in doubt—New Zealand Journal of Agriculture
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Calabash, A Discussion
on Its Cognates
Hui (meeting), A Cognate
from Taiwan to Oceania
The Meeting House of Yap

Stone courtyard and exterior of Rull Men's Meeting House
Photograph from National Register collection, by Yvonne Brewer
Image credit: National Park Service